Insights and practical tips on the topic of leadership.
Learning From Mistakes: A Leader's Reflection on Termination and the Importance of Leadership Fundamentals
We have happiness sold to us every day in a hundred different ways. And yet, surveys of happiness levels in our country are at an all-time low. Happiness is essentially a ubiquitous and enormous industry. And why not? It’s a product everyone wants. But have we oversold it in the workplace?
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- 2010
- accomplishment
- accountability
- administrators
- agency
- agreements
- anger
- anger management
- anticipating change
- appreciative inquiry
- assertiveness
- attorney
- bad boss
- bad bosses
- bad teachers
- belonging
- Best Practice
- BP employees
- brain rules
- breakdowns
- bribe
- building on success
- burnout
- Business
- business decisions
- business ethics
- business plans
- business relationships
- business values
- business with pleasure
- buy-in
- career
- career choice
- carrot and stick
- celebrate success
- chain of command
- challenge
- challenges
- challenging conversations
- change
- change from the inside
- change initiatives
- cheating ourselves
- circle of concern
- circle of influence
- Citizens United
- climate change
- coaching
- codes of conduct
- coffee house
- coffee shop
- collaboration
- collective
- collegiality
- comfort level
- command-and-control
- commitment
- commitments
- communicating vision
- communication
- communication effectiveness
- communication intentions
- communion
- complaining
- compliance
- connecting
- connection
- consequences
- consequences of anger
- consistency
- context
- contribution
- cooperative effort
- corporate political contributions
- corporate values
- corporations as people
- corporations free speech
- corruption
- creative
- creativity
- critical conversations
- cronyism
- cross-departmental communication
- curbing abuses
- damaging workplace behavior
- Daniel Goleman
- decision-making
- decisions
- defensiveness
- deficiencies
- delegate
- delegation
- deliver
- delivering challenging news
- difficult conversations
- DiSC
- discernment
- discipline
- disciplines
- distractions
- downsizing
- driving change
- dwelling
- education
- educational excellence
- educators
- effectiveness
- efficiency
- ego
- emotional coaching
- emotional expression
- emotional intelligence
- emotions
- emotions at work
- emotions in the workplace
- employee choice
- employee choices
- employee desires
- employee development
- employee fears
- employee freedom
- employee growth
- employee health
- employee learning
- employee learning styles
- employee market
- employee personality
- employee psychology
- employee retention
- employee stress
- employee values
- employee-driven change
- employees leaving bosses
- employment options
- encouraging creativity
- energy
- engaging with customer
- enjoyment
- ethics
- excellence
- execution
- expect excellence
- expectations
- extrinsic motivation
- facing challenging issues
- fairness
- father
- feedback
- feeling appreciated
- fierce conversation
- fierce conversations
- firing teachers
- first things first
- fit
- flaws
- focused
- follow through
- follow-up
- fostering success
- fulfilling expectaitons
- full engagement
- getting tough
- global crises
- goals
- good-bad
- government
- growing edges
- growth
- habits
- Haiku
- halfway
- healthy ego
- high school graduation rates
- honesty
- hope
- Human Capital Institute
- implementation
- important
- incentives
- incompetence
- independence
- individualism
- initiative
- innovation
- inspiration
- inspiring
- institutional trust
- integrity
- intention
- Intentional Leadership
- intentions
- internal salesmanship
- intimidation
- intrinsic
- intrinsic motivation
- issue escalation
- job market
- judgment
- keeping agreements
- keeping employees
- late for meetings
- leader
- leader as salesperson
- leader ego
- leadership
- leadership and prioritizing
- leadership capacity
- leadership challenge
- leadership challenges
- leadership change
- leadership civic engagement
- leadership communication
- leadership conversations
- leadership development
- leadership dilemma
- leadership effectiveness
- leadership ego
- Leadership Excellence
- leadership failure
- leadership growth
- leadership hierarchy
- leadership higher self
- leadership influence
- leadership intelligence
- leadership music
- leadership platform
- leadership politics
- leadership potential
- leadership presence
- leadership questions
- leadership risk
- leadership Seattle
- leadership seminar Seattle
- leadership spirituality
- leadership success
- leadership training
- leadership truth
- leadership vision
- leadership well-roundedness
- leadership workshop Seattle
- leadership workshops
- leadership- motivation
- leading change
- learn from failure
- learning
- limitations
- linkedin
- listen nonjudgmentally
- listening
- management of the absurd
- management retreats
- management training
- manager
- manager ego
- manager relationships
- managing boss
- managing upward
- manipulation
- meaning
- meaningful connections
- mentor
- micromanagement
- mission statement
- mistrust in government
- morale
- morality
- motiation
- motivation
- multi-stakeholder
- multiple intelligences
- negative emotions workplace
- new year
- No Child Left Behind
- norms
- obedience
- objectivity
- obstacles
- one-on-one
- optimistic
- organization
- organizational challenges
- organizational development
- organizational hierarchy
- organizational problem solving
- organizational purpose
- organized
- overtime
- overwhelm
- partnering with employees
- partnership
- partnership agreement
- passion
- perception of bias
- performance
- Peter Principle
- plan of action
- planning
- positive motivation
- potential
- power
- practice
- pragmatic
- presence
- presentation skills
- primal leadership
- prioritization
- prioritizing
- proactive
- problem solving
- processes
- productivity
- profit and purpose
- project leadership
- project management
- promise
- promotions
- punishment
- purpose
- purpose statement
- putting out fires
- quiet
- raising the bar
- Reflection
- reflections of leadership
- relationships
- requests
- resolving employee concerns
- respect
- retention
- retirement
- rewards
- rewards and punishments
- Richard Farson
- right-wrong
- rules
- safety
- salesmanship
- saying no
- schools
- Seattle
- Seattle coffee scene
- seeking employee input
- Self-awareness
- self-criticism
- self-determination
- self-interest
- servant leadership
- service
- service leadership
- shared vision
- shortcomings
- silos
- simplistic solutions
- sink or swim
- social
- speaking your truth
- staff meetings
- stress
- stress chemistry
- strictness
- strong leadership qualities
- student test scores
- students
- success
- support
- Supreme Court
- sustainable change
- sustainable motivation
- sustainable performance improvement
- systems thinking
- task list
- teachers
- teamwork
- telling the truth
- territoriality
- thinking
- threat
- time management
- to-do list
- trust
- turning vision into reality
- understanding employees
- understanding workplace behavior
- unhealthy ego
- unintended consequences
- urgent
- Values
- venting
- Vietnam War
- Vision
- visionary
- weaknesses
- whining
- work calendar
- work friendships
- work location
- work relationships
- work styles
- work to rule
- work-life balance
- working at coffee shop
- workplace
- workplace anger
- workplace connections
- workplace emotions
- workplace policies
- workplace stress
What are you worth?
Podcast Episode 2: The Crossroads
Our guest Vicky is reeling from a bad work experience, and trying to find her footing after 27 years in tech. Listen as she processes what happened, tries to make sense of it, and gives serious consideration to what’s next.
The tyranny of low expectations
Discover how setting high expectations can transform your business environment. Learn strategies to avoid the pitfalls of low expectations and drive team performance and organizational growth.Discover how setting high expectations can transform your business environment. Learn strategies to avoid the pitfalls of low expectations and drive team performance and organizational growth.
If you don’t want to be held accountable, are you really interested in being successful?
Not holding people accountable isn’t good leadership – in fact, you could argue that you dishonor people when you accept something less than their best.
Podcast Episode 1: The Accidental Leader
Jim talks to Michael, who finds himself elevated to the top position rather abruptly. They talk about his struggles to find himself in his new leadership role, to learn to trust his instincts and his concerns about being the expert. We discuss the role of self-expression in leadership and the folly of seeking perfection.
A job is just a job and so much more
A job is just a job. And so much more! How engaged would you say your heart is in your job? Are you finding meaning outside of a paycheck and promotions?
We have happiness sold to us every day in a hundred different ways. And yet, surveys of happiness levels in our country are at an all-time low. Happiness is essentially a ubiquitous and enormous industry. And why not? It’s a product everyone wants. But have we oversold it in the workplace?
The Fine (and Necessary) Art of Challenging Others
There’s nothing easy about having a challenging conversation, even, or perhaps especially, with someone to whom we are close. Here are a couple of ideas about how to think about and act on these interpersonal and professional challenges.
Volunteer or comply? A huge question for leaders
Some important people showed up for me today
How to Keep Working Relationships Vibrant During COVID
4 ways to deal with your micromanaging boss
Explore techniques to manage and improve your professional relationship with a micromanaging boss. Gain insights into fostering a healthier, more autonomous work environment and enhancing workplace productivity.
What's the difference between management and leadership?
5 ways to strengthen your leadership in a work-from-home environment
Uncover five effective ways to strengthen your leadership skills in a remote work environment. Learn how to adapt your leadership approach for enhanced team engagement and productivity in the work-from-home era.
Available, or Present? There’s a difference.
Discover the crucial difference between being available and truly present in leadership. Learn how deeper engagement and mindfulness can transform your leadership style and foster meaningful team connections.
The Humanizing Qualities of the Virtual Workplace
Mastering the Art of Questioning: Thoughtful Asking and Objective Responding
Dive into the skill of effective questioning in business and personal interactions. Learn to ask questions thoughtfully and respond objectively to foster better communication and understanding. Discover the power of questions in shaping positive relationships and outcomes.
Federal versus state control and how it relates to your business
Explore the intricate balance between federal and state control and its impact on business structure. Learn to navigate centralization and local authority for optimal business efficiency and customer service.
Controlling people vs controlling systems and processes
Discover how effective leadership balances control over people and business processes, especially in remote work environments. Learn the key to motivating employees and enhancing productivity without micromanagement.
Discover leadership strategies when facing a company acquisition. Learn how to understand the acquisition's purpose, manage expectations, and embrace change to ensure a smooth transition and positive outcomes in the transformative period.