Insights and practical tips on the topic of leadership.
Learning From Mistakes: A Leader's Reflection on Termination and the Importance of Leadership Fundamentals
We have happiness sold to us every day in a hundred different ways. And yet, surveys of happiness levels in our country are at an all-time low. Happiness is essentially a ubiquitous and enormous industry. And why not? It’s a product everyone wants. But have we oversold it in the workplace?
leadership well-roundedness
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- 2010
- accomplishment
- accountability
- administrators
- agency
- agreements
- anger
- anger management
- anticipating change
- appreciative inquiry
- assertiveness
- attorney
- bad boss
- bad bosses
- bad teachers
- belonging
- Best Practice
- BP employees
- brain rules
- breakdowns
- bribe
- building on success
- burnout
- Business
- business decisions
- business ethics
- business plans
- business relationships
- business values
- business with pleasure
- buy-in
- career
- career choice
- carrot and stick
- celebrate success
- chain of command
- challenge
- challenges
- challenging conversations
- change
- change from the inside
- change initiatives
- cheating ourselves
- circle of concern
- circle of influence
- Citizens United
- climate change
- coaching
- codes of conduct
- coffee house
- coffee shop
- collaboration
- collective
- collegiality
- comfort level
- command-and-control
- commitment
- commitments
- communicating vision
- communication
- communication effectiveness
- communication intentions
- communion
- complaining
- compliance
- connecting
- connection
- consequences
- consequences of anger
- consistency
- context
- contribution
- cooperative effort
- corporate political contributions
- corporate values
- corporations as people
- corporations free speech
- corruption
- creative
- creativity
- critical conversations
- cronyism
- cross-departmental communication
- curbing abuses
- damaging workplace behavior
- Daniel Goleman
- decision-making
- decisions
- defensiveness
- deficiencies
- delegate
- delegation
- deliver
- delivering challenging news
- difficult conversations
- DiSC
- discernment
- discipline
- disciplines
- distractions
- downsizing
- driving change
- dwelling
- education
- educational excellence
- educators
- effectiveness
- efficiency
- ego
- emotional coaching
- emotional expression
- emotional intelligence
- emotions
- emotions at work
- emotions in the workplace
- employee choice
- employee choices
- employee desires
- employee development
- employee fears
- employee freedom
- employee growth
- employee health
- employee learning
- employee learning styles
- employee market
- employee personality
- employee psychology
- employee retention
- employee stress
- employee values
- employee-driven change
- employees leaving bosses
- employment options
- encouraging creativity
- energy
- engaging with customer
- enjoyment
- ethics
- excellence
- execution
- expect excellence
- expectations
- extrinsic motivation
- facing challenging issues
- fairness
- father
- feedback
- feeling appreciated
- fierce conversation
- fierce conversations
- firing teachers
- first things first
- fit
- flaws
- focused
- follow through
- follow-up
- fostering success
- fulfilling expectaitons
- full engagement
- getting tough
- global crises
- goals
- good-bad
- government
- growing edges
- growth
- habits
- Haiku
- halfway
- healthy ego
- high school graduation rates
- honesty
- hope
- Human Capital Institute
- implementation
- important
- incentives
- incompetence
- independence
- individualism
- initiative
- innovation
- inspiration
- inspiring
- institutional trust
- integrity
- intention
- Intentional Leadership
- intentions
- internal salesmanship
- intimidation
- intrinsic
- intrinsic motivation
- issue escalation
- job market
- judgment
- keeping agreements
- keeping employees
- late for meetings
- leader
- leader as salesperson
- leader ego
- leadership
- leadership and prioritizing
- leadership capacity
- leadership challenge
- leadership challenges
- leadership change
- leadership civic engagement
- leadership communication
- leadership conversations
- leadership development
- leadership dilemma
- leadership effectiveness
- leadership ego
- Leadership Excellence
- leadership failure
- leadership growth
- leadership hierarchy
- leadership higher self
- leadership influence
- leadership intelligence
- leadership music
- leadership platform
- leadership politics
- leadership potential
- leadership presence
- leadership questions
- leadership risk
- leadership Seattle
- leadership seminar Seattle
- leadership spirituality
- leadership success
- leadership training
- leadership truth
- leadership vision
- leadership well-roundedness
- leadership workshop Seattle
- leadership workshops
- leadership- motivation
- leading change
- learn from failure
- learning
- limitations
- linkedin
- listen nonjudgmentally
- listening
- management of the absurd
- management retreats
- management training
- manager
- manager ego
- manager relationships
- managing boss
- managing upward
- manipulation
- meaning
- meaningful connections
- mentor
- micromanagement
- mission statement
- mistrust in government
- morale
- morality
- motiation
- motivation
- multi-stakeholder
- multiple intelligences
- negative emotions workplace
- new year
- No Child Left Behind
- norms
- obedience
- objectivity
- obstacles
- one-on-one
- optimistic
- organization
- organizational challenges
- organizational development
- organizational hierarchy
- organizational problem solving
- organizational purpose
- organized
- overtime
- overwhelm
- partnering with employees
- partnership
- partnership agreement
- passion
- perception of bias
- performance
- Peter Principle
- plan of action
- planning
- positive motivation
- potential
- power
- practice
- pragmatic
- presence
- presentation skills
- primal leadership
- prioritization
- prioritizing
- proactive
- problem solving
- processes
- productivity
- profit and purpose
- project leadership
- project management
- promise
- promotions
- punishment
- purpose
- purpose statement
- putting out fires
- quiet
- raising the bar
- Reflection
- reflections of leadership
- relationships
- requests
- resolving employee concerns
- respect
- retention
- retirement
- rewards
- rewards and punishments
- Richard Farson
- right-wrong
- rules
- safety
- salesmanship
- saying no
- schools
- Seattle
- Seattle coffee scene
- seeking employee input
- Self-awareness
- self-criticism
- self-determination
- self-interest
- servant leadership
- service
- service leadership
- shared vision
- shortcomings
- silos
- simplistic solutions
- sink or swim
- social
- speaking your truth
- staff meetings
- stress
- stress chemistry
- strictness
- strong leadership qualities
- student test scores
- students
- success
- support
- Supreme Court
- sustainable change
- sustainable motivation
- sustainable performance improvement
- systems thinking
- task list
- teachers
- teamwork
- telling the truth
- territoriality
- thinking
- threat
- time management
- to-do list
- trust
- turning vision into reality
- understanding employees
- understanding workplace behavior
- unhealthy ego
- unintended consequences
- urgent
- Values
- venting
- Vietnam War
- Vision
- visionary
- weaknesses
- whining
- work calendar
- work friendships
- work location
- work relationships
- work styles
- work to rule
- work-life balance
- working at coffee shop
- workplace
- workplace anger
- workplace connections
- workplace emotions
- workplace policies
- workplace stress
Discover leadership strategies when facing a company acquisition. Learn how to understand the acquisition's purpose, manage expectations, and embrace change to ensure a smooth transition and positive outcomes in the transformative period.