Tiny Typo. Deep Insight.

It was the tiniest of mistakes, but it taught me something profound.I mistyped the date on some client notes the other day (I’m a personal coach and executive coach).  Instead of typing “2010,” I typed “2020.”  And my reaction amused me.My immediate reaction — before I’d had a chance to filter it through my expectations and judgments — was, “Wow!  I hope I’m still doing this work in 2020!”  That delighted me.  Because while I love what I do, and I’ve been planning to continue to do it, I haven’t given any thought to how I’ll feel if I’m still coaching when I’m 66 — which I will be in 2020.When I was teaching school — which I found rewarding but highly stressful — I would have had a very different reaction had I imagined myself still teaching 10 years down the road.So what about you?

YOUR PATH FORWARD: A thought experiment for you:  If God walked into your office today and told you, “You will be in your same career 10 years from today,” how would you feel?  (other than quite surprised about God walking into your office, of course ...) What thoughts would immediately come into your mind?  And given how you’ve answered those two questions, what do you need to do differently, starting today?


Partnering in Employees' Health


2 Sides of the Leadership Coin